Surgery One - January 8, 2014

My first jaw surgery recovery was extreme. You can see that I was not having the best time. Part of the reason I was so swollen was because I was in the operating room for eight hours. Read my blog entries beginning here.

Three months later, about to move away from New York...

And one month after that, after moving to California...

But while on the outside I looked better (something that wasn't the goal but is obviously a plus), on the inside I was having issues chewing since my jaws did not heal in the proper alignment. Also I was having joint clicking issues, and I was dissatisfied with the result. And one or more of my screws from the surgical plates were loose. After a year of thinking, I decided to have a second surgery with a new surgeon.

Surgery Two - April 9, 2015

My second surgery was successful, and the recovery was nothing compared to the first surgery recovery. Swelling was reduced, I didn't drool, I experienced less pain and I didn't lose as much weight. My jaws are now properly aligned.

And 35 days after my second surgery...

Now let's take a look at my x-rays. These only show my jaw prior to and following my second surgery. I do not have x-rays in my possession from before my first surgery. First from the front...


And now the side...


Fast forward to August 2015, and here I am attempting a smile with the sun in my face. My braces are still on for two more months, so it's not really a full smile yet. But compare to the other photos. I look much different than 2-3 years ago.

So that's it for now. Feel free to visit my other website:

All video and photos were shot by Jordan Liles, with the exception of the news clips and website screenshots. Discover my story. Visit